The European Green Deal




European Union; Climate Change; European Green Deal; Fit for 55; European Climate Act.


The article focuses on the legislative reform presented by the European Green Deal, at the beginning of the Commission mandate. It starts by analyzing the regulatory roadmap fixed by the Fit for 55 program and the first step towards its achievement, with the adoption of the so-called European Climate Act. The article then focuses on some core pieces of the ambitious legislative reform in view of the Union's climate transition, which seeks to achieve a balance between the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the increase of net removals by expanding carbon sinks: on the one hand, the review of the emissions trade system and the reform of the energy taxation directive; on the other hand, the quality of land use and the increase in forest area, as well as the intended nature restoration law, aimed to put biodiversity on the path to recovery and to restore natural ecosystems.


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How to Cite

GOUCHA SOARES, A. (2024). The European Green Deal. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, 44–67.

