Variable commutativity tributes and reservation of legislative competence of the portuguese constitution: a relationship (yet) to be stabilized
Taxes, Financial contributions, Public fees, variable commutativity on tributes, reserve of legislative competence, reserve of parliamentary lawAbstract
The Portuguese tax system has traditionally recognized two main types of tributes - taxes and public fees – perfectly separable due to their unilateral or synallagmatic/commutative nature. Since 1997, however, this traditional dichotomy has been shaken with the creation of a third tribute type, called “other financial contributions” by the CRP, which has included a set of tributes of a variable nature, not always objective or immediate. This study analyzes the problems arising from the creation of this third type of tribute in the face of the more traditional dogmatics of public tax policy, mainly as a consequence of the lack of stable dogmatics where, not infrequently, the respective constitutional and principled limits are questioned. The proposal is to adopt measures that guarantee that this new type of tribute respects the constitutional dictates and the most structuring rationales of public tax policy, respecting the legitimate interests of taxpayers, as a way of, at least, mitigating abuses in their use. We conclude that a more refined conceptual definition of financial contributions is needed to differentiate them from other tributes. We also recommend the establishment of an effective general law regulating detailed fees and financial contributions, integrating this refined conceptual framework.
The Portuguese tax system has traditionally recognized two main types of tributes - taxes and public fees – perfectly separable due to their unilateral or synallagmatic/commutative nature. Since 1997, however, this traditional dichotomy has been shaken with the creation of a third tribute type, called “other financial contributions” by the CRP, which has included a set of tributes of a variable nature, not always objective or immediate. This study analyzes the problems arising from the creation of this third type of tribute in the face of the more traditional dogmatics of public tax policy, mainly as a consequence of the lack of stable dogmatics where, not infrequently, the respective constitutional and principled limits are questioned. The proposal is to adopt measures that guarantee that this new type of tribute respects the constitutional dictates and the most structuring rationales of public tax policy, respecting the legitimate interests of taxpayers, as a way of, at least, mitigating abuses in their use. We conclude that a more refined conceptual definition of financial contributions is needed to differentiate them from other tributes. We also recommend the establishment of an effective general law regulating detailed fees and financial contributions, integrating this refined conceptual framework.
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