The (undisputed) gambling tax




tourism; gambling tax; extra-fiscal measures; revenue earmarking.


The gambling activity became lawful in the late 1920s through Decree No. 14643, dated December 3, 1927. With the aim of sanctioning an activity considered immoral, that decree created the gambling tax and allocated the revenue collected to the financing of infrastructure and tourist projects, thus enriching and diversifying the local tourism offer. Despite casinos still being viewed as one of the main causes of addiction and misfortune, it is impossible to dissociate them from a wide range of beneficial effects since, as promoters of entertainment and spectacle, they are seen as the main drivers of growth in the regions where they are located. Currently known as the special gambling tax, the legal and economic metamorphoses that have taken place since then have hardly altered its essential characteristics. However, despite being crucial in the national economy's development strategy, its singularities require a careful analysis from a fiscal perspective.


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How to Cite

MONTEIRO LOPES, M. (2024). The (undisputed) gambling tax. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, 323–346.

