The Pursuit of Public Interest Under the Rule of Law




Constitution; Public Interest; Administrative Law; The Principle of Administrative Legality; Good Administration.


The constitutional dichotomy between "the pursuit of the public interest" and "the protection of citizens' rights" under Article 266(1), subject to the law under the terms of Article 266(2), expresses the terms under which contemporary administrative law has historically been constructed. The affirmation of a special regime of administrative subjection to the Law for the pursuit of the "public interest" is based on the legal argument between these two competing axes that historically condition each of the contingent solutions of contemporary Administrative Law. It is important to assess the extent to which the administrative pursuit of the "public interest", safeguarded in the Constitution, is still subject to the same constitutional purpose of subjecting the exercise of power to the Law.


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How to Cite

Sousa da CUNHA, R. (2024). The Pursuit of Public Interest Under the Rule of Law. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, 619–641.

