Beyond Borders: Exploring International Law and Climate-Induced Migration in Small Island Developing States
Climate change, migration, small island states, environmental vulnerability, adaptation, legal frameworksAbstract
Climate change is recognized as a profound challenge of the modern era, with documented impacts on natural and social systems that link environmental vulnerability directly to human lives and livelihoods. Among the myriad consequences of climate change, migration emerges as a significant and evolving issue, driven by a complex interplay of environmental and socioeconomic factors. This paper examines the nexus between climate change and human mobility, with a particular emphasis on the consequences for individuals and disadvantaged communities, especially within Small Island Developing States (SIDS). These states face unique challenges, where climate change threatens livelihoods, ecosystems, economies and habitability, often forcing displacement despite their minimal contributions to global greenhouse gas emissions.
Through a comprehensive analysis of the complex intersection of climate change, migration, and legal and policy responses, this paper advocates for a collaborative transnational law approach to address the multifaceted challenges posed by climate-induced migration. This paper advocates for a collaborative approach rooted in transnational law to tackle the multifaceted challenges of climate-induced migration. The urgency necessitates international collaboration on mitigation, adaptation strategies like artificial islands, and legal frameworks to address this multifaceted challenge and safeguard the rights of those facing unprecedented environmental upheaval.
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