The mediator-interactive evaluation as a proposal to evaluate online learning




Interactive mediator Assessment; Digital Alternative Assessment; Interactivity; Online Teaching Mediation; Online Education.


This article presents a proposition for teachers in Online Education, called Interactive-mediator Evaluation, focused in an active learning, in which interactivity, teaching mediation and learning evaluation are inseparable elements from the online teaching and evaluative doing. This proposal comes from a doctorate thesis in which was analysed how courses with online education proposals made their learning evaluation. The study occurred in two singular spaces, one in Brazil, the union of UERJ and CEDERJ, with their interactive evaluation practice, and the other in Portugal Open University, with its Digital Alternative Evaluation framework. We have built guiding elements to the online teaching so that they could evaluate their students' learning with the Interactive-mediator Evaluation. As our theoretical basis to support the research we have brought the Interactivity concept, the Online Pedagogical Mediator, the Mediator Assessment and the Digital Alternative Assessment. In the present article our focus will be the debate about the evaluative practice in Portugal campus and the explanation of the Mediator-interactive Evaluation model, which contributes to the online teaching identity.





Thematic Dossier