Inven!RA: a contribution towards platforms aligned with Digital Transformation in Education




Digital Education; Digital Transformation; System Architecture; Digital Platform; Cognitive Ecosystem


The social transformations empowered by technological development were further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid expansion of generative artificial intelligence. In education, these drivers have highlighted barriers to the acknowledgment and embracing of such transformations. One such barrier is the circumstance that current digital platforms replicate or encourage pre-digital teaching and learning processes. To foster transformative changes in education, we need technologies that do not merely reproduce current processes, but rather inspire stakeholders (teachers, students, administrators, decision-makers) to change, rather than bind them. The challenge lies in designing technological platforms that support new pedagogical methodologies: strategies, practices, and concrete acts grounded in epistemologies that rely on mutual, networked interventions of people and technologies in both digital and physical spaces. Methodologies that aspire to cognitive complexity, acknowledging the hypercomplex nature of current contexts. Educational technologies must therefore be aligned with new epistemologies, with new pedagogical methodologies, and their implementations. In this work, we present a proposal for a technological architecture aligned with the digital transformation of education: Inven!RA, which aims to guide the production of ecological interaction platforms in cognitive ecosystems, within hypercomplex networks of human and non-human participants, where teaching and learning occur.




