Development of a virtual pedagogical model for digital performing arts




Abstract: A pedagogical model oriented towards digital performing arts cannot neglect the way many technological artifacts and social media are used in today's society. In this sense, the integration of new digital technologies and locative media in hybrid learning is mandatory in this model, which should also be based on specific areas of the Digital Arts domain that need an appropriate pedagogy, as is the case of Performing Arts. Thus, in this paper, a proposal for a hybrid pedagogical model is developed, based on several recognized and tested methodologies, seeking to cover cyber performance itself. It can also be used as a teaching-learning tool, in a creative way, in hybrid environments, where some elements may share the same physical space, while others are at a distance, or where some elements of the performance may have been previously recorded, while others occur in real-time.

Keywords: Pedagogical model; Hybrid teaching; Digital performing arts; Cyberperformance.









Empirical studies/researches and practices