Cardiometabolic Risk and Environmental Factors in Patients Submitted to Bariatric Surgery
Despite the fact that bariatric surgery (CB) reduces the inflammatory process and cardiometabolic risk, few studies have evaluated the impact of this procedure on environmental, biochemical, hemodynamic, cardiorespiratory factors on body composition, prospectively, especially by scrutinizing users of the Unified Health System. Health (SUS). Therefore, this study aims to analyze the evolution of cardiometabolic risk in patients undergoing CB and its association with environmental, biochemical, hemodynamic, cardiorespiratory, and body composition factors. It was an analytical, longitudinal, prospective, cohort study with two groups and a quantitative approach. Candidates for CB who meet the criteria of the Brazilian Society of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery (case group) and volunteers with diabetes mellitus 2 and obesity grade II (control group) will be considered eligible. Body composition, hemodynamic, biochemical, food consumption, and cardiorespiratory data will be collected before surgery and after one, three, six, and twelve months after the procedure. In addition, an ergospirometric test, transthoracic echocardiogram, and bone densitometry (DEXA) was performed. This investigation intends to produce information about the impact of CB on the metabolic, physical, and psychosocial integrity of SUS users. Thus, it is expected to provide public managers with technical information to support efficient and equitable health policies.
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