MBPPG – Self-measurement of blood pressure without previous guidance: methodological study


  • Glessiande de Oliveira Almeida Nucleus of Post-Graduation in Health Sciences of the Federal University of Sergipe https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1366-459X
  • Felipe José Aidar Nucleus of Post-Graduation in Health Sciences of the Federal University of Sergipe
  • Victor Batista Oliveira Division of Cardiology, University Hospital of UFS
  • Ikaro Daniel de Carvalho Barreto Federal Rural University of Pernambuco
  • Rebeca Rocha de Almeida Nucleus of Post-Graduation in Health Sciences of the Federal University of Sergipe https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6229-8549
  • Marcos Antonio Almeida-Santos Tiradentes University, UNIT https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0622-6257
  • José Augusto Soares Barreto Filho Division of Cardiology, University Hospital of UFS
  • Antônio Carlos Sobral Sousa Division of Cardiology, University Hospital of UFS https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4158-9726




We describe the methodology of the MBPPG study in hypertensive patients as well as the association of blood pressure self-measurement (BP) with its control, the presence of anxiety disorders, unplanned visits to urgency and self-medication. This is a cross-sectional observational analytical study in which it is intended to evaluate 1000 volunteers with systemic arterial hypertension followed up on an outpatient basis in public and private hospitals located in Aracaju-Sergipe, Brazil. Data collection will be conducted applying a specific questionnaire for the research; BP control through Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) or an average of measurements in the last three consultations; the self-assessment of anxiety through the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the determination of quality of life through the SF-36. In the statistical analysis, tests will be used for the hypothesis of independence between categorical variables, equality of means, logistic regression, effect sizes Cohen’s D and h, and a significance level of 5%. The results analysis intends to produce information about the impact of the self-measurement of blood pressure, not oriented, of the hypertensive population. With this, it is expected to provide public managers with information that will support more efficient health policies in relation to the practice of self-assessment performed by hypertensive patients.



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