Content validation of the analysis of talent detection in volleyball from the knowledge management approach: a proposal for coaches of young athletes
Talent detection has traditionally been one of the most popular and conflicting issues in the sports media, scientific community, training forums, and among researchers. The objective was to analyze the process and the criteria used to detect talents in volleyball. Ten male volleyball coaches participated in the study, who worked with youth athletes, up to 21 years old, with expertise in the investigated sport. All volunteers had a minimum experience of ten years in volleyball. The coaches evaluated a questionnaire composed of 15 questions, with auto-click characteristics related to the talent detection process in volleyball. A Likert scale of 1 to 5 points was used to assign a grade to each question regarding image clarity, practical relevance, and representativeness of the item. Based on the scientific literature, the content validity coefficient (CVC) was adopted for each question of the instrument as a whole, with a cut-off point ≥ 0.80. The results showed that the criteria “image clarity” (CVC = 0.87), “practical relevance” (CVC = 0.88) and “item representativeness” (CVC = 0.86) presented satisfactory levels. Subsequently, the calculation of the validity coefficient of the total content (CVCt), determined the general average (CVCt = 0.88) of the 3 items evaluated (clarity, relevance, and representativeness). In addition, of the 15 questions evaluated, 13 presented satisfactory values when observed through the CVC, which pointed to the reliability of the instrument adopted.
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