T-patterns detection in competition football coaches
The present study aimed to detect T-patterns of instruction behavior in youth coaches in the direction of team in competition. The research took into account the observational methodology for the acquisition of the data, which was then analyzed using the program THEME 5.0. Eight football matches of 4 coaches who compete in the junior “A” and junior “B” levels teams competing in the Portuguese national championships were recorded and their instruction behaviors were coded through the observational system SAIC. The results revealed the existence of temporal patterns of instruction behavior, both in the overall and individual analysis of coaches. The detected T-patterns showed that the coaches tend to prescribe tactical and psychological solutions directed to the athlete, using the verbal communication, as well as positively evaluate their execution and behavior. During the substitutions coaches provide indications with tactical and psychological content to the substitute, praises the performance of the player who left the pitch and give information to the team.
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