Vol. 18 No. S1 (2022): Proceedings of the XLIV Technical and Scientific Congress of the Portuguese Association of Swimming Technicians - APTN & I European Swimming Coaches Conference

The papers published in these proceedings were submitted to the Scientific Committee of the 44º Technical Scientific Congress of the Associação Portuguesa de Técnicos de Natação - APTN & I European Swimming Coaches Conference, held on 1-3 of October 2021, at Lisbon, Portugal. Authors are exclusively responsible for the content of the manuscript published. The editors and the Scientific Committee of the 44º Technical and Scientific Congress of the Portuguese Association of Swimming Technicians - APTN & I European Swimming Coaches Conference assume no responsibility for the opinions and statements expressed by the authors. Partial reproduction of the texts and their use without commercial purposes is allowed, provided that the source/reference is duly mentioned.