An analysis of the perception of brand equity among members and non-members of football teams and its influence on behavioural intentions
Awareness, Latent Class Analysis, Associations, Consumer behaviourResumo
A strong brand has been identified as a long-term success factor. Still, there is a gap in the perception of different types of fans about the brand equity dimensions of football teams and how their dimensions influence loyalty in the Brazilian context. The purpose of the present study was to analyse the perception of brand equity among members and non-members of football teams and its influence on behavioural intentions. Data were collected from 420 fans of a State Football Championship from Brazil through an online survey and analysed using multigroup structural equation modelling. In that context, the brand mark was not an association considered by the fans, and the analysis indicated a better perception of the brand equity dimensions by the members, and the analysis with the complete sample indicated the relevance of the model (R² = 77%). Specifically, internalisation, social interaction, and management dimensions significantly impacted the behavioural intentions of football fans. The study provides an understanding of the dimensions of brand equity in a context not previously studied and the different perceptions of these dimensions through multigroup analysis. Further, it informs marketers of the brand equity elements that must be taken into account in an attempt to leverage team behavioural intentions.
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