
  • Mónica Tavares Pediatric Department of Centro Hospitalar do Porto
  • Manuela Selores Dermatology Department of Centro Hospitalar do Porto



Diagnosis, scabies, sulfur, treatment.


Introduction: Scabies is an infection caused by the parasite Sarcoptes scabiei var. hoministhat gains significance due to the morbidity associated with intense itching, high infectivity, frequent outbreaks and persistence of symptoms for many days even after complete eradication.

Objectives: Approach to pathophysiology, differential diagnosis and treatment options in children.

Development: In pediatrics the differential diagnosis of escabiosis with other very common diseases in this age group is sometimes diffi cult. The lack of studies regarding effi cacy and safety of the various available drugs in children makes it diffi cult to drawn recommendations. Scabies treatment is based more on personal experience, local availability and cost than on medical evidence.

Conclusions: This article aims to summarize the pathogenesis of infection by Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis in children focusing special attention on symptoms and treatment. Although there are no randomized controlled trials with sulfur precipitated in scabies treatment to prove its effi cacy and safety, it seems to be one of the most recommended drugs in this age group.


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How to Cite

Tavares M, Selores M. SCABIES – PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT. REVNEC [Internet]. 2017Jan.31 [cited 2025Mar.4];22(2):80-6. Available from:



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