
  • Margarida Lima Hospital de Santo António, Centro Hospitalar do Porto



Scientific education, writing of scientific manuscripts.


In this second manuscript, from four that comprise the heading “DESIGN, WRITING AND PUBLISHING OF CIENTIFIC MANUSCRIPTS”, as part of the “SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION” section of the journal “NASCER E CRESCER”, we dwelt on the most relevant aspects of the structure and content of a scientific paper to submit the publication.


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Boyd JC, Rifai N, Annesley TM. Preparation of manuscripts

for publication: improving your chances for success. Clin.

Chem. 2009;55:1259–64.

Sharma S. How to become a competent medical writer?

Perspect. Clin. Res. 2010;1:33–7.

Masic I. How to Search, Write, Prepare and Publish the

ScientiÞ c Papers in the Biomedical Journals. Acta Inform.

Medica. 2011;68–79.

Hitchcock MA. Writing and publishing research articles. Fam.

Pract. Res. J. 1988;8:3–16.

Sollaci LB, Pereira MG. The introduction, methods, results,

and discussion (IMRAD) structure: a Þ fty -year survey. J. Med.

Libr. Assoc. Jmla. 2004;92:364–7.

Haynes RB, Mulrow CD, Huth EJ, Altman DG, Gardner

MJ. More informative abstracts revisited. Ann. Intern. Med.


Peh WCG, Ng KH. Title and title page. Singapore Med. J.

;49:607–608; quiz 609.

Annesley TM. The title says it all. Clin. Chem. 2010;56:357–60.

Habibzadeh F, Yadollahie M. Are shorter article titles more

attractive for citations? Cross -sectional study of 22 scientiÞ c

journals. Croat. Med. J. 2010;51:165–70.

Jamali HR, Nikzad M. Article title type and its relation with

the number of downloads and citations. Scientometrics.


Langdon -Neuner, E. Titles in medical articles: What do we

know about them? TWS. 2007;4:158–60.

Soler, V. Writing title in science: An exploratory study. Engl.

Specif. Purp. 2007;26:90–102.

Hartley, J. There’s more to the title than meets the eye: Exploring

the possibilities. J Tech Writ. Comm. 2007;37:95–101.

International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform

Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical

Journals: Ethical Considerations in the Conduct and Reporting

of Research: Authorship and Contributorship [Internet].

[consultado em 4 Julho 2012]. Disponível em: http://www.

Annesley TM. Passing the paternité test. Clin. Chem.


Peh WCG, Ng KH. Abstract and keywords. Singapore Med. J.

;49:664–665; quiz 666.

Andrade C. How to write a good abstract for a scientiÞ c

paper or conference presentation. Indian J. Psychiatry.


Annesley TM. The abstract and the elevator talk: a tale of two

summaries. Clin. Chem. 2010;56:521–4.

No authors listed. Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)

[Internet]. National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD, USA;

[consultado em 4 Julho 2012]. Disponível em: www.nlm.nih.


No authors listed. Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)

[Internet]. National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD, USA;

[consultado em 4 Julho 2012]. Disponível em: http://library.

No authors listed. Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).

[Internet]. National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD, USA;

[consultado em 4 Julho 2012]. Disponível em: http://www.

Peh WC, Ng KH. Writing the introduction. Singapore Med. J.

;49:756–757; quiz758.

Annesley TM. “It was a cold and rainy night”: set the scene

with a good introduction. Clin. Chem. 2010;56:708–13.

Ng KH, Peh WC. Writing the materials and methods.

Singapore Med. J. 2008;49:856–858; quiz 859.

Annesley TM. Who, what, when, where, how, and why: the

ingredients in the recipe for a successful Methods section.

Clin. Chem. 2010;56:897–901.

Rutjes AWS, Reitsma JB, Coomarasamy A, Khan KS,

Bossuyt PMM. Evaluation of diagnostic tests when there is no

gold standard. A review of methods. Heal. Technol. Assess.

Winch. Engl. 2007;11:iii, ix–51.

Ng KH, Peh WCG. Writing the results. Singapore Med. J.

;49:967–968; quiz 969.

Annesley TM. Show your cards: the results section and the

poker game. Clin. Chem. 2010;56:1066–70.

Derish PA, Annesley TM. If an IRDAM journal is what you

choose, then sequential results are what you use. Clin. Chem.


Ng KH, Peh WCG. Presenting the statistical results. Singapore

Med. J. 2009;50:11–4.

MansÞ eld L. The reading, writing, and arithmetic of the

medical literature, part 2: critical evaluation of statistical

reporting. Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol. Off. Publ. Am. Coll.

Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2005;95:315–321; quiz 322, 380.

Niven DJ, Berthiaume LR, Fick GH, Laupland KB. Matched

case -control studies: a review of reported statistical

methodology. Clin. Epidemiol. 2012;4:99–110.

Chung KC, Kalliainen LK, Spilson SV, Walters MR, Kim HM.

The prevalence of negative studies with inadequate statistical

power: an analysis of the plastic surgery literature. Plast.

Reconstr. Surg. 2002;109:1–8.

Lang T. Twenty statistical errors even you can Þ nd in biomedical

research articles. Croat. Med. J. 2004;45:361–70.

Strasak AM, Zaman Q, Pfeiffer KP, Göbel G, Ulmer H.

Statistical errors in medical research - -a review of common

pitfalls. Swiss Med. Wkly. 2007;137:44–9.

Annesley TM. Put your best Þ gure forward: line graphs and

scattergrams. Clin. Chem. 2010;56:1229–33.

Annesley TM. Bars and pies make better desserts than

Þ gures. Clin. Chem. 2010;56:1394–400.

Annesley TM. Bring your best to the table. Clin. Chem.


Ng KH, Peh WCG. Preparing effective illustrations. Part 1:

graphs. Singapore Med. J. 2009;50:245–9.

Ng KH, Peh WC. Preparing effective illustrations. Part 2:

photographs, images and diagrams. Singapore Med. J.

;50:330–334; quiz 335.

Ng KH, Peh WC. Preparing effective tables. Singapore Med.

J. 2009;50:117–118; quiz 119.

Ng KH, Peh WC. Writing the discussion. Singapore Med. J.

;50:458–460; quiz 461.

Annesley TM. The discussion section: your closing argument.

Clin. Chem. 2010;56:1671–4.

Puhan MA, Akl EA, Bryant D, Xie F, Apolone G, ter Riet G.

Discussing study limitations in reports of biomedical studies -

the need for more transparency. Health Qual. Life Outcomes.


Peh WCG, Ng KH. Authorship and acknowledgements.

Singapore Med. J. 2009;50:563–565; quiz 566.

Peh WC, Ng KH. Conß ict -of -interest, copyright and other

declarations. Singapore Med. J. 2010;51:844–846; quiz 847.

Burns PB, Rohrich RJ, Chung KC. The levels of evidence and

their role in evidence -based medicine. Plast. Reconstr. Surg.


MansÞ eld L. The reading, writing, and arithmetic of the

medical literature, part 1. Ann. Allergy Asthma Immunol. Off.

Publ. Am. Coll. Allergy Asthma Immunol. 200;95:100–107;

quiz 107–108.

Annesley TM. Giving credit: citations and references. Clin.

Chem. 2011;57:14–7.

Patrias K, author; Wendling D, editor. Citing Medicine: The

NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet].

nd edition. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine

(US); 2007; [consultado em 4 Julho 2012]. Disponível em:

No authors listed. Harvard School Cytation Guide [Internet].

; [consultado em 4 Julho 2012]. Disponível em: http://

Peh WCG, Ng KH. Preparing the references. Singapore Med.

J. 2009;50:659–661; quiz 662.

No authors listed. PubMed Help [Internet] [Internet]. Bethesda

(MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US);

; [consultado em 4 Julho 2012]. Disponível em: http://

No authors listed. Digital Object IdentiÞ er (DOI) [Internet];

[consultado em 4 Julho 2012]. Disponível em: http://www.doi.




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Scientific Education