Ostomizd quality of life
psychological profile
Ostomy, Quality of life, Self-concept and, Self-esteemAbstract
An ostomy is a surgically created opening to connect an internal organ to the surface of the body, and may be temporary or definitive. With the construction of the stoma several changes to the social, family and mainly psychological level arise, influencing the quality of life of the ostomized. As such, the realization of a study addressing the problem was proved relevant.
To evaluate the Quality of life (Qol) of people with Ostomy;
Determine the influence of psychological variables (self-concept and self-esteem) on Qol.
Data collection was carried out in a sample consisting of 104 definitely ostomized individuals, 58 men and 46 women, aged between 24 and 91 years old, being the average 64 years.
This is a quantitative, descriptive-analytical, with cross section study, whose goals were Data collection was carried out in a sample consisting of 104 ostomized individuals, 55,77% men and 44,23% women, aged between 24 and 91 years old, being the average age 64 years.
In what concerns the psychological variables, it was found that the better the self-concept (r=0,667; p=0,000) and self-esteem (r=0,656; p=0,000) the best is QoL.
We also infer that the psychological variables (self-concept and self-esteem) are predictive of Qol, respectively explaining 44.60% and 43.10% of its variability.
Given the results we infer that it is necessary to be attentive to the needs of the ostomized person, as well as to their psychological profile in order to plan health interventions that minimize the effect of the ostomy presence in their carrier’s Qol.
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