Determinants of the perception of health professionals regarding patient adhesion to rehabilitation programs




Health professionals, Adhesion, Rehabilitation programs



Adherence to rehabilitation programs is a concern of health professionals especially since patients don’t have a passive role anymore when it comes to their own prescriptions and have grown an individual responsibility for their health. However, the rate of failures in treatment schedules is still high.


To determine the influence of sociodemographic determinants and labor context in the perception of health professionals regarding patitent adhesion to rehabilitation programs.


This is a quantitative, descriptive and correlational study based on a sample of 98 health professionals, mostly female (58,16%) and with an average age of 39,80 years (Dp=9.96). The instrument used to collect the data was a form that incorporated sociodemographic and professional characterization and a perception scale adapted and validated for Portuguese population.


The score of the professional perception is 6.48, above the average value. Professionals with the greater perception of adhesion by the patients of these programs are: (i) female; (ii) work with patitients with cardio- respiratory and neurological pathologies; (iii) trained nurses.

Other variables that showed a statistically significant effect on the perception of health professionals regarding the adhesion of users to rehabilitation programs were the years of professional experience, age, practice working hours and the level of academic training.


The evidence show the need for all health professionals to continue to develop effective strategies that enhance patient adherence to rehabilitation programs. We propose the continuous training of professionals as well as awareness campaigns in the community. We also recommend adequacy and adjustment of academic contents that could potentially provide relevant contributions to the solution of this problem.


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How to Cite

Batista, A., Albuquerque, C., Martins, R., Bica, I., & Ribeiro, O. (2016). Determinants of the perception of health professionals regarding patient adhesion to rehabilitation programs. Servir, 59(3), 68–74.