Communication strategies that facilitate Holistic Nursing interventions administered to people undergoing mechanical ventilation
Communication, Holistic Nursing, Invasive Mechanical VentilationAbstract
Objective: Identify and describe communication strategies that facilitate holistic nursing interventions administered to people undergoing mechanical ventilation.
Methods: The present study consists of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) carried out according to the methodology proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute. Critical evaluation, data extraction and synthesis were performed by two independent reviewers.
Results: Three studies were included. Techniques commonly used to communicate with mechanically ventilated people, such as lip reading, gestures and nods, are markedly time-consuming and ineffective, tending to generate frustration. The heterogeneity of the studies reviewed provides a conceptual enrichment, however, did not allow for their meta-analysis to be carried out.
Conclusion: Communication frameworks are identified as highly useful instruments in the context under analysis due to their ease of implementation, effectiveness and low cost. We also emphasize the need for investment in this area of research since the gaps are evident and the damages inestimable.
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