Construire son Propre Rapport à l’Autorité Enseignante en s’Engageant dans un Processus d’Autorisation de Soi
Relation d’enseignement, Autorité, Processus d’autorisation, Subjectivité / Educational relationship, Authority, Authorization process, Subjectivity / Relação de ensino, Autoridade, Processo de autorização, SubjetividadeAbstract
Partant des impasses de l’autorité naturelle dans la relation d’enseignement, cet article approfondit la dimension « avoir de l’autorité » qui concerne la part de subjectivité que chaque professeur engage dans cette relation. En se plaçant du point de vue d’un sujet enseignant qui construit son propre rapport à l’autorité en s’engageant dans un processus d’autorisation de soi, l’auteur observe le travail de la subjectivité à l’œuvre dans la relation d’enseignement traversée par la problématique de l’autorité, à travers deux vignettes cliniques. Dans leur prolongement, il situe l’enjeu d’un tel travail, la construction d’une posture professionnelle plus pérenne, adéquate, en convoquant la notion de cadre éducatif qui concerne prioritairement l’ « avoir », à l’articulation de l’histoire personnelle et de la posture professionnelle. Des objets de travail pour la formation se dégagent : le rapport à cette histoire, à soi et aux autres, au savoir ; le retour sur les figures d’enseignants qui habitent le professeur.
Starting from the impasse of natural authority in the educational relationship, this article focuses on the dimension of “having authority”, which concerns the part of subjectivity each teacher engages in the educational relationship. Situating himself from the point of view of a teaching subject who builds her or his relation to authority by engaging in a process of self authorization, the writer of this article observes in two clinical vignettes how subjectivity is at work in the educational relationship as it is linked with the question of authority. Then to situate what is at stake in this subjective process – constructing a more adequate and sustainable professional posture – the article examines the notion of educational framework as it deals primarily with “having” and how this connects with a teacher’s personal background and professional posture. Questions to address in training are thus the following: the relations to one’s personal story, to oneself, to others and to knowledge; analysing teachers’ figures inspiring trainee teachers.
Partindo dos impasses da autoridade natural da relação docente, esse artigo aprofunda a dimensão “ter autoridade” que concerne à parte subjetiva que cada professor engaja nessa relação. Colocando-se do ponto de vista de um sujeito ensinante que constitui sua própria relação de autoridade se engajando em um processo de autorização de si, o autor observa a função da subjetividade na relação docente atravessada pela problemática da autoridade através de duas vinhetas clínicas. Continuando, ele situa o desafio de tal trabalho, a construção de uma postura profissional mais perene, adequada, convocando a noção de estrutura educacional prioritariamente relacionada ao “ter”, à articulação de história pessoal e da postura profissional. Objetos de trabalho para a formação emergem: a relação com essa história, a si e aos outros, ao saber; o retorno das figuras de ensino que habitam o professor.
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