Science Teachers as Key Actors in Responsible Research and Innovation: Evaluation of a Teacher Training Program


  • Marta Romero-Ariza University of Jaén
  • Antonio Quesada
  • Ana Abril



Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), Teacher Professional Development, Science Education, Questionnaire, Validation of instruments / Investigação e Inovação Responsáveis (IIR), Desenvolvimento Profissional dos Professores (DPP), Educação em Ciência


This work presents the design and evaluation of a teacher professional development (TPD) program intended to promoting responsible research and innovation (RRI) through science education. The training course, builds on teachers’ beliefs, provides opportunities to experience the educational potential of the innovative approach, makes explicit links to the science curriculum and supports the development of specific teaching skills necessary to enact the underpinning science education model. Additionally, we present the validation of instruments to evaluate the impact of the TPD program on teachers’ beliefs. The analysis of pre-post results shows a positive evolution of participants’ beliefs in line with the science education model being promoted.

Este trabalho apresenta a conceção e avaliação de um programa de desenvolvimento profissional de professores (DPP) destinado a promover a Inovação e Investigação Responsáveis (IIR) através da educação em ciências. O curso de formação baseado nas crenças dos professores proporciona oportunidades para experienciar o potencial educacional da nova abordagem, produz ligações explícitas com o currículo de ciências e fundamenta o desenvolvimento de capacidades específicas de ensino necessárias para determinar o modelo subjacente da educação em ciências. Além disso, apresentamos o modelo de validação dos instrumentos de avaliação do impacto do programa de desenvolvimento profissional nas crenças dos professores. A análise dos resultados pré-publicados mostra uma evolução positiva das crenças dos participantes em linha com o modelo da educação em ciências que está a ser utilizado.


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Author Biographies

Marta Romero-Ariza, University of Jaén

Dr. Marta Romero-Ariza is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Didactics of Sciences in the University of Jaén especially interested in how to enhance science learning through the use of innovative approaches and technological resources. Her lines of work include science teacher initial education and professional development with a special focus on inquiry-based science education, nature of science and socio-scientific issues. She has been actively engaged in several international projects such as EANCYT, COMPASS, PRIMAS and MASCIL. Currently she is the leader of the Spanish team in the European projects PARRISE, IncluSMe and MasDiV.

Antonio Quesada

Dr. Antonio Quesada studied Chemical Sciences at the University of Jaen (Spain), where he obtained his Ph.D. in June 2003. He worked at this University from 1998 to 2005 in the Organic Chemistry Department. He joined the Department of Science Education as lecturer and researcher in April 2005. During this period, he has actively engaged in different national and international European projects related to Science Education such COMPASS, PRIMAS, MASCIL, PARRISE; MASDIV and INCLUSME among others. His main areas of interest and research are focus on initial teacher education, continuing professional development of teachers, Inquiry-based Science Education, ICT and Science Education, among others.

Ana Abril

Dr. Ana M. Abril Gallego got her PhD in Molecular Biology at the Autonomous University of Madrid in 2000. She started as a science education lecturer in 2001 and since then she has published articles, and supervised PhD in the Didactics of Genetics with an emphasis of the potential of cinema as a vehicle for promoting RRI and socio-societal issues in secondary education. Furthermore, she has been involved in the European projects PRIMAS, COMPASS, mascil, PARRISE, IncluSMe and MasDiV as well as in several national research projects.


