Critical Factors that Contributed to the Successful Completion of Students’ Education Path in Youth and Adult Education Integrated to Secondary Level Vocational Education in Brazil




adult education, vocational education, positioning, socio-affective and cognitive dispositions, school success


This article presents the results of an empirical study whose aim was to identify critical factors that contributed to the successful completion of the educational trajectories of a group of former students of a Brazilian secondary level course integrating Youth and Adult Education with Vocational Education. Content analysis was applied to the data obtained through semi-directive interviews with ten former students. We explored the notion of positioning, as a social phenomenon that circumscribes the position that an individual or group occupies in a given social system (Bernstein, 1996) in line with the socio-affective and cognitive dispositions related to the processes of pleasure/displeasure present in the school context and with the representations and conceptions of the content, respectively (Bourgeois, 1999). The results point to higher positioning in hierarchical structures circumscribed by schooling, learning, knowledge, socio-cognitive relations, and professional outlook, which are correlated with the development of socio-affective and cognitive dispositions in the dimensions of motivations, aspirations, appropriate values and curricular characteristics, namely collaborative learning, and teaching methodology.


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Author Biographies

Janaina Marques Silva, Departamento de Ensino, Câmpus Sapucaia do Sul, Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense, Brazil

Bachelor’s degree in Administration (UNISUL, 1998), Specialisation in Education and Environment (UDESC, 2004), Master's degree in Education (UFRGS, 2013) and Doctorate in Education (UC, 2023). At the IFSul Sapucaia do Sul Campus, Associate Director (2013-2015), Coordinator of the Business Administration Secondary Level Technical Course Education integrated to Youth and Adult Education (2010-2013) and currently a Basic, Technical and Technological Education teacher. Experience in the areas of Administration and Education, research areas related to administration, public management, public policies for youth and adult education and vocational education, curriculum, continuing education and lifelong learning, recognition-validation-certification of knowledge and skills and teacher development.

Joaquim Luís Medeiros Alcoforado, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

PhD in Educational Sciences. Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Coimbra and member of the Group on Educational Policies and Organizations and Educational Dynamics, at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (CEIS20), at the University of Coimbra. Research and development of teaching activities in the areas of Adult Education and Training and Local Educational Policies.

Simone Valdete dos Santos, Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Full Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Member of the Postgraduate Program in Education at the same institution, supervising academic master's and doctorate degrees. Research group leader at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq): Adults, Young People and Education in Contemporary Times. Researcher and supervisor of academic works on the following themes: education of young people and adults; affirmative action policies in public universities; teacher training; rural education and environmental education.

Stéphanie Gasse, CIRNEF laboratoire, Université de Rouen Normandie, France

Doctor in Educational Sciences, professor at the University of Rouen, Normandy, (France) and researcher at the CIRNEF Laboratory. Her research focuses on international approaches to education and comparative education. She is interested in characterising non-formal education, alternative systems, the foundations of adult education, the right to education (accessibility, effectiveness via distance learning systems), interculturality, organisational development, partnerships, and networks. Her main areas of research are sub-Saharan Africa and educational policies in a decentralised context, and youth and adult education in Brazil.

Margarete Maria Chiapinotto Noro, Departamento de Ensino, Câmpus Sapucaia do Sul, Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense, Brazil

Master’s degree in Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul  (2011). Specialisation in Secondary Level Technical Education integrated to Youth and Adult Education - PROEJA (UFRGS, 2007). Basic, Technical and Technological Education Teacher at IF Sul-rio-grandense, Sapucaia do Sul Campus (RS), Brazil, to March 2013. Main research areas Youth and Adult Education (YAE), access, permanence, and success of young and adult students in  include Brazilian secondary level courses which integrate YAE with Vocational Education.


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