The Characteristics of Open-Ended Inquiry-Type Chemistry Experiments that Enable Argumentative Discourse


  • Dvora Katchevich Weizmann Institute of Science
  • Rachel Mamlok-Naaman Weizmann Institute of Science
  • Avi Hofstein Weizmann Institute of Science



Argumentation, Chemistry laboratory, High-order learning skills, Inquiry-type experiment, Complexity of inquiry-type experiments


One of the key goals of science education is to provide students with the ability to construct arguments -  reasoning and thinking critically in a scientific context. Over the years, many studies have been conducted on constructing arguments in science teaching, but only a few of them have dealt with studying argumentation in the science laboratory in general and in the chemistry laboratory in particular. Our research focuses on the process in which students construct arguments in the chemistry laboratory while conducting different types of inquiry experiments. The experiments that were assessed for their argumentation level differed in their level of complexity. It was found that the more complex experiments served as a better platform for developing arguments as well as regarding their relative numbers. Moreover, we identified a number of characteristics during the discourse that serve as a catalyst for raising arguments: asking questions and unexpected results obtained in the experiments.


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Author Biographies

Dvora Katchevich, Weizmann Institute of Science

Dvora Katchevich is a postdoc of the Department of Science teaching at the Weizmann Institute of Science, in Israel. She is conducting continuous professional development workshops for chemistry teachers and follows their development. Among her research interest are: Science teachers’ professional development, and argumentation in the chemistry laboratory.

Rachel Mamlok-Naaman, Weizmann Institute of Science

Rachel Mamlok-Naaman is a senior research associate at the Department of Science teaching of the Weizmann Institute of Science, in Israel. She is the head of the national center for chemistry teachers. Among her research interest are: science teachers’ professional development, action research and chemistry curriculum development.

Avi Hofstein, Weizmann Institute of Science

Avi Hofstein is an Emeritus professor at the department of Science Teaching of the Weizmann Institute of Science, in Israel. He was head of the chemistry group and head of department. Among his research interest are: learning in science laboratories, making chemistry more relevant and curriculum development.


