The historicity of music festivals: An analysis from the perspective of tourism


  • Rayane Ruas University of Brasília
  • Donária Coelho Duarte University of Brasília



Music Festivals, Tourism Experience, History


This article it is a qualitative survey, based on literature and documents, which aims to build a historicity of music festivals, understanding that these events contribute to tourism as one of the possible experiences. The limits of the subject were standouts of the music festivals that occurred throughout the ages. The results of this research show that the United States was the birthplace of the festival, though it was in England where they found a favorable place and developed subsequently spreading around the world. Another aspect identified was that in the first festivals the entries were free or was a symbolic value, because the objective were the celebration, but over the years they were adopting the marketing and commercial character. In the first festivals the tourism had little influence on their development because they were local, as a fellowship. Over time, festivals took a large proportion which has only been possible backed by the infrastructure and services proportionate by tourism.


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How to Cite

Ruas, R., & Coelho Duarte, D. (2023). The historicity of music festivals: An analysis from the perspective of tourism. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 2(2), 94–109.