Investigación académica internacional en turismo creativo
Turismo criativo, Turismo, Bibliometria, Revisão de literaturaResumo
Nos últimos anos, a indústria do turismo tem assistido ao aparecimento de uma nova modalidade classificada como turismo criativo, que se concentra no estudo das experiências oferecidas aos turistas e na possibilidade da sua participação como co-criadores da sua própria experiência, contribuindo para a satisfação das suas novas necessidades através da auto-descoberta pessoal. Este artigo revê a literatura académica sobre turismo criativo através de uma análise bibliométrica utilizando a base de dados SCOPUS como referência para avaliar a actividade científica, determinar as principais tendências na investigação sobre este tema e identificar as lacunas na investigação. A metodologia aplicada para o seu desenvolvimento é de natureza descritiva-quantitativa com base nos índices bibliométricos que regem esta parte da cientometria. Foram identificados e analisados 93 artigos durante o período 1997-2016, cujos resultados mostram que é a partir de 2009 que o número de publicações começa a aumentar consideravelmente. No total são observados 145 autores diferentes com uma média de 1,17 autores por artigo, 51,6% dos autores assinam sozinhos e as revistas Annals of Tourism Research seguidas pela Direcção de Turismo destacam-se como o principal meio de publicação. A exploração criativa dos recursos é evidenciada como a principal abordagem seguida pelos investigadores com 34 artigos.
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Åkerlund, U., & Müller, D. (2012). Implementing Tourism Events: The Discourses of Umeå's Bid for European Capital of Culture 2014. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 12(2), 164-180.
Ali, F., Ryu, K., & Hussain, K. (2015). Influence of Experiences on Memories, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions: A Study of Creative Tourism. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 1-15.
Ankor, J. (2012). The complexities of experience: A critical tourism response. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 19(1), e4.
Aquino, J., Phillips, R., & Sung, H. (2012). Tourism, Culture, and the Creative Industries: Reviving Distressed Neighborhoods with Arts-Based Community Tourism. Tourism, Culture and Communication, 12(1), 5-18.
Azevedo, M., & Barbosa, Á. (2014). The creative industries as an integrated factor in a sustainable model for Macao's economic development. Creative Industries Journal, 7(2), 121-133.
Bar-Ilan, J. (2010). Citations to the `introduction to infometrics` indexed by WOS, Scopus and Google Scholar. Scientometrics, 82(3), 495-506.
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Batey, M. (2012). The measurement of creativity: From definitional consensus to the introduction of a new heuristic framework. Creativity Research Journal(24), 55-65.
Bei Huang, H., Wall, G., & Mitchell, C. (2007). Creative destruction Zhu Jia Jiao, China. Annals of Tourism Research, 34(4), 1033-1055.
Berridge, J. (2006). The creative city. Plan Canada, 46(1), 20.
Bjork, S., Offer, A., & So¨derberg, G. (2014). Time series citation data: The Nobel Prize in economics. Scientometrics, 98(1), 185–196.
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Brouder, P. (2012). Creative Outposts: Tourism's Place in Rural Innovation. Tourism Planning and Development, 9(4), 383-396.
Campbell, S. (2015). Temple art for sale: Traditional painting in contemporary Bali. Indonesia and the Malay World, 43(126), 226-254.
Camps, D. (2007). Estudio bibliométrico general de colaboración y consumo de la información en artículos originales de la revista Universitas Médica, período 2002 a 2006. Universitas Médica, 48(4), 358-365.
Carvalho, R. (2014). A literature review on the role of cultural capital in creative tourism. TMS Algarve 2014–Management Studies International Conference. Algarve.
Catungal, J., Leslie, D., & Hii, Y. (2009). Geographies of displacement in the creative city: The case of Liberty Village, Toronto. Urban Studies, 46 (5-6), 1095-1114.
Chang, L.-L., Backman, K., & Huang, Y. (2014). Creative tourism: a preliminary examination of creative tourists’ motivation, experience, perceived value and revisit intention. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 8(4), 401-419.
Chao, C.-W., Shyr, O., Lee, C.-S., Chao, C.-H., Tsai, L., & Kang, C.-S. (2013). The debate of environmental impact and tourism development: Perspective from local resident and businessman. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(10), 410-414.
Chathoth, P., Ungson, G., Harrington, R., & Chan, E. (2016). Co-creation and higher order customer engagement in hospitality and tourism services: A critical review. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(2), 222-245.
Comella, T. (1989). Aplicación de la creatividad al planeamiento administrativo. En G. En Davis, & J. Scott, Estrategias para la creatividad (págs. 334-343). Buenos Aires: Paidós.
Daniel, R. (2014). Building the northern Australia vision through creative industries: the case of Cairns in far north Queensland. Creative Industries Journal, 7(2), 134-147.
De Miguel-Molina, M., Santamarina-Campos, V., De Miguel-Molina, B., & Del Val Segarra-Oña, M. (2013). Creative cities and sustainable development: Mural-based tourism as a local public strategy. Direccion y Organizacion(50), 31-36.
Fernandes, C., & Rachão, S. (2014). Reinventing tourism at a traditional cultural tourism destination: A case study of Viana do Castelo (Portugal). International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 12(3), 281-296.
George, J. (2015). Examining the cultural value of festivals: Considerations of creative destruction and creative enhancement within the rural environment. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 6(2), 122-134.
Goodman, D., & Deis, L. (2005). Web of Science (2004 version) and Scopus. The Charleston Advisor, 6(3), 5-21.
Guano, E. (2015). Touring the Hidden City: Walking Tour Guides in Deindustrializing Genoa. City and Society, 27(2), 160-182.
Gülüm, E. (2015). The relationship between creative tourism and folk culture and the popularization of locality [Yaratici turizm - Halk kültürü ilişkisi ve yerelin popülerleşmesi]. Milli Folklor (105), 87-98.
Hall, C. (2011). Publish and perish? Bibliometric analysis, journal ranking and the assessment of research quality in tourism. Tourism Management, 16-27.
Hiroyuki, H. (2003). Between preservation and tourism. Asian Folklore Studies, 62(2), 223-234.
Hirsch, J. E. (2005). An Index to quantify and individuals scientific research output. Proceending of the National Academy of Sciences(102), 16569-16572.
Horng, J.-S., Tsai, C.-Y., Liu, C.-H., & Chung, D.-C. (2015). Measuring Employee's Creativity: A New Theoretical Model and Empirical Study for Tourism Industry. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 20(12), 1353-1373.
Ihamäki, P. (2012). Geocachers: The creative tourism experience. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 3(3), 152-175.
Innantananon, T., Somtrakool, K., & Koseyayotin, M. (2011). Akha: The potential development of tribal culture to support creative tourism. European Journal of Social Sciences, 22(2), 230-233.
Irimiás, A. (2012). The Chinese diaspora in Budapest: a new potential for tourism. Tourism Review, 67(1), 23-33.
Kong, L. (2012). Ambitions of a global city: Arts, culture and creative economy in 'Post-Crisis' Singapore. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 18(3), 279-294.
Levickaite, R. (2011). City festival - a traditional cultural expression of the creative industries (the case of International Contemporary Dance Festival "New Baltic Dance"). Limes, 4(1), 36-53.
Liu, C.-L., Chen, M.-X., Tang, Z.-P., Liu, W.-D., Lu, D.-D., & Zhang, Y.-F. (2014). The “valley economy” model of regional development: A case study of mountain areas in Beijing, northern China. Journal of Mountain Science, 11(5), 1372-1382.
Lotka, A. (1926). The frequency distribution of scientific productivity. Journal of the
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Lovelock, B. (2004). Tourist-created attractions: The emergene of a unique form of tourist attraction in southern New Zealand. Tourism Geographies, 6(4), 410-433.
Lusso, B. (2014). Cultural facilities in the Emscher Valley (Ruhr, Germany): From urban regeneration to the development of a cultural and creative economy. BELGEO(3).
Martínez, J., De Almeida Meroz, J., & Serulus, K. (2013). Localizing design / designing location: Creative cities in the low countries. Dutch Crossing, 37(3), 274-292.
Moed, H. F. (2005). Citation analysis in research evaluation. Netherlands.: Springer.
Ngamsirijit, W. (2015). Demand responsive transportation for creative tourism logistics planning. International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, 3(1), 38-53.
Palazón, M. A., Ortega, E., & García-Angulo, A. (2015). Análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica en el fútbol sala. SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte, 4(2), 19-24.
Pappalepore, I., Maitland, R., & Smith, A. (2010). Exploring urban creativity: Visitor experiences of Spitalfields, London. Tourism, Culture and Communication, 10(3), 217-230.
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Rabazauskaitė, V. (2015). Revitalisation of public spaces in the context of creative tourism [Viešųjų Erdvių Gaivinimas Kūrybinio Turizmo Kontekste]. Creativity Studies, 8(2), 124-133.
Ray, C. (1998). Culture, intellectual property and territorial rural development. Sociologia Ruralis(38), 3–20.
Rhodes, M. (1961). An analysis of creativity. Phi Delta Kappan(42), 305-310.
Richards, G. (2005). Creativity: A new strategic resource for tourism. En J. Swarbrooke, M. Smith, & L. Onderwater (Edits.), Tourism, creativity and development: ATLAS Reflections 2005 (págs. 11-22). Arnhem: Association for Tourism and Leisure Education.
Richards, G. (2011). Creativity and Tourism: The State of the Art. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(4), 1225-1253.
Richards, G., & Marques, L. (2012). Exploring Creative Tourism: Editors Introduction. Journal of Tourism Consumption and Practice, 4(2), 1-11.
Richards, G., & Raymond, C. (2000). Creative tourism. ATLAS News(23), 16-20.
Richards, G., & Wilson, J. .. (2006). Developing creativity in tourist experiences: A solution to the serial reproduction of culture? Tourism Management(27), 1209–1223.
Saeid, A., Arifin, Z., & Hasim, M. (2012). The cultural tourism in Abu Dhabi. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8(6), 2888-2896.
Tan, S.-K., Kung, S.-F., & Luh, D.-B. (2013). A model of 'creative experience' in creative tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 41, 153-174.
Tan, S.-K., Luh, D.-B., & Kung, S.-F. (2014). A taxonomy of creative tourists in creative tourism. Tourism Management, 248-259.
UNESCO (2006a). Towards Sustainable Strategies for Creative Tourism: Discussion Report of the Planning Meeting for 2008 International Conference on Creative Tourism Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, New Mexico, U.S.A. : UNESCO.
UNESCO (2006b). What do we mean by Creative Tourism? United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Recuperado el 13 de Abril de 2016, de Creative Tourism Network:
Yue, A. (2007). Hawking in the creative city. Feminist Media Studies, 7(4), 365-380.
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