From the mass guide to the specialised guide. A new proposal for guided tours in Barcelona.


  • Maria Abril Sellarés Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona



Sustainable Tourism, Responsibility, Respect, Guide, Guided tours


Tourist guides, who provide a service, must bridge the gap between the needs of the client-tourist and the environment in which they work. Tourism in the 21st century must evolve into a model of local sustainability. Both tourists and tourist guides should seek to strike the right balance so that steps can be taken in this direction. In essence, sustainable tourism means making the smallest possible negative impact on the environment and local surroundings by creating tools that will protect them, whilst contributing to the economy and employment. (Blasco, 2006). Guided tours should encourage positive relationships between visitors and the local population, and vice versa, thus establishing common ground based on mutual respect for cultural and social values. This study, which takes sustainable tourism as the basis for a new model of guided tours, sets out a new paradigm for the way in which tourist guides work, turning the guide of the masses into a specialised guide. Furthermore, tours that fall in line with the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (UNWTO, 2011) can contribute to sustainability and the responsible use of tourist destinations. This paper has been written based on a historical analysis of guided tours in the city of Barcelona; a specific survey conducted on tourist guides in order to find out the types and characteristics of their tours; and the conclusions drawn from the responses obtained.


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How to Cite

Abril Sellarés, M. (2023). From the mass guide to the specialised guide. A new proposal for guided tours in Barcelona. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 2(2), 136–155.