Tourism b-Learning
Tourism, B-learning, E-learning, Teaching in b-learning, Training in b-learnig, ISCEAbstract
With the implementation of the Bologna process in the university context in Portugal, the b-Learning takes now as one of the main tools for the skills model development. This research begins by considering different meanings advocated by several authors to clarify the concepts of e-Learning and b-Learning. Thus, it was necessary to investigate the models available on this type of education that would allow the characterization of the profile of a "b-Teacher", an essential condition for this study. In the absence of a table that defines all the necessary skills, the bibliographic research allowed responses, which however need framework and contextualization to be effective in the current context. This paper also considers an observation of good practices produced by the study that Leite et al. (2009a) made referring to a process of implementation of b-Learning at the Oporto University and based on the testimony of six faculty winners of the e-Learning Excellence Prize. This study ends with a comparative approach, using a questionnaire, of the skills retrieved in the bibliographical review with the abilities set for the teachers from the School of Tourism ISCE
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