Turismo de caça na Extremadura: Monteria espanhola
Hunting tourism in Extremadura: Spanish Monteria
Extremadura, Hunting tourism, Hunting tourist, Spanish MonteriaAbstract
Extremadura is an eminently rural community, and the primary sector has a high importance in the regional economy. Hunting tourism is one of the most important activities of the primary sector in the community, and it affects very significantly the most depressed areas. The main objective of this research is to show how the hunting tourism can support rural development as an economic complement of extraordinary value and wealth-generating and jobs-creating activity in different sectors related to the hunting. The hunting modality studied in this article is the Spanish Monteria, one of the most attractive ways of hunting for national and international hunting tourists. The methodology of this research consists in a descriptive analysis through personal interviews of companies organizing the hunting in the region and of hunting tourists coming to the region. The final results show that this one is an activity with high average spending per tourist, and with a high level of impact on different sectors.
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