The influence of the use of information technology systems in the decision making of rural tourism managers. An approach of the Algarve region
Information system, Information technology, Decision making process in rural organization, Rural tourismAbstract
The use of technologies’ information system is considered by many authors as a vector of rural organization growing; its uses for a competitive increase in comparison with others organizations where the uses of information system technologies’ are less frequent or inexistent. Thus, it is important identify which technologies’ information System are used in rural areas and its impact on organizations. This study was focused on rural organization in Algarve Region and intends to identify the uses of technologies’ information System impact on decision making. The study was direct to 51 rural tourism organization owners which use internet page and email. The data was made through an electronic questionnaire and a qualitative analysis. From the 25 answers we concluded that the uses of information system technologies’ allowed reliability on decision making process within organization’s because identified problems, gives short time answer. Thus it is possible that information technologies’ uses conduce to a positive impact on rural organizations in Algarve region, although it’s important to investigate other factors, such as competitiveness between organizations and the costs associated with a new business methodology.
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