Challenges of globalisation: Impact and strategies for action from the Nekatur agrotourism network in the Basque Country.


  • Teodor Mellen Vinagre EAE Business School, Spain



Tourism, Agrotourism, Globalization, Euskadi


With the phenomenon of globalization in the twentieth century an extension and diffusion of mass tourism are produced. It is an intensive and localized tourist modality that brings important social and environmental effects. As an alternative to this standardized model, other more specialized tourism, based on nature, culture and heritage, are characterized by the variety, flexibility and permeability of their forms. The network formed by the association "Nekazalturismoa-landaturismoa" (Nekatur) can be an alternative tourist modality to mass tourism and, thanks to the potential of globalization, can favor its development. The objective of this article is to show how this tourist modality can become an alternative to mass tourism, adapted, specialized and arranged according to the tastes and needs of travelers.


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How to Cite

Mellen Vinagre, T. (2023). Challenges of globalisation: Impact and strategies for action from the Nekatur agrotourism network in the Basque Country. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 8(2), 34–50.