Portuguese hoteliers' perception of ISO 9001 in the hotel sector
ISO 9001, Certification, Hotel sector, Customers perceptionAbstract
At a time when the quality of hotel services has been gaining high interest and weight in customer choice, some hotel units have resorted to certification by the NP EN ISO 9001:2015 quality standard. Considering that the existent literature on this standard in the hotel sector focuses on the organizations point of view, such as the advantages, disadvantages, difficulties, barriers and motivations of this standard implementation and the impact on the organization at the financial and organizational level, this research, as an alternative, focuses on the study of this standard from the point of view of portuguese hotel customers. Thus, this article aims to analyze the knowledge and importance of the certification of a hotel unit by the ISO 9001 quality standard when choosing a hotel by portuguese hotel customers. The empirical study, based on a questionnaire and a sample of 398 respondents, concluded that although quality is indeed an important factor in the decision-making process of portuguese hotel customers, most are unaware of the existence of ISO standards. Nevertheless, of customers who know the ISO standards, most know the ISO 9001 quality standard, although only a small percentage recognizes its presence in the hotel sector. Of the customers who do recognize its presence in the hotel sector, most do not search if the hotel unit is certified by the standard when choosing the hotel.
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