Sustainable wine tourism in the Algarve: A study on the perceptions of economic agents
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Wine tourism, Sustainable Development Goals, Algarve, Sun and sea destinationResumen
Wine tourism is a growing type of tourism that values experience. It plays a fundamental role in the regions, promoting material and immaterial heritage, contributing positively to the local economy. Given the recognized potential of this activity, this study analyzes how wine tourism contributes to the tourism sustainability of the Algarve, through the existence of a positive link between this type of tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The article considers a qualitative approach, centered on interviews with economic agents who carry out wine tourism activities in the Algarve, with the aim of obtaining their perceptions regarding the contribution of wine tourism to the region's tourist sustainability. The interviews were subjected to the text mining technique, using the VOSviewer software to identify keywords and patterns in the data. The study revealed a positive relationship between wine tourism and achievement of the SDGs. The interviews carried out highlight that wine tourism contributes to achieving SDGs 8, 11, 12 and 17, promoting sustainable economic growth, the development of inland regions, the generation of employment and the diversification of tourist activities throughout the year. The study contributes new knowledge by analyzing the relationship between wine tourism and the SDGs in the Portuguese wine context. It offers a new perspective, by using the SDGs as a framework to understand the benefits of wine tourism, and can be valuable, both for economic agents in the wine tourism sector, and for those looking for a sustainable approach in other economic activities in regions less explored by tourism.
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