Learning assessment in a synchronous B-learning model: the case of the University of Santiago


  • Lamine Tavares Universidade de Santiago, Cabo Verde
  • Luís Rodrigues Universidade de Santiago, Cabo Verde
  • Marisa Lopes Universidade de Santiago, Cabo Verde




Synchronous B-learning, Knowledge assessment, Learning environments


In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, many Higher Education Institutions opted for a synchronous B-learning methodology. This was also the institutionalized solution at the University of Santiago in Cape Verde. This model has several advantages, but some challenges as well, namely in guaranteeing efficient and rigorous knowledge assessment modalities and instruments. Thus, this article aims to understand the perception of US students in relation to assessment, the domain of technologies and their predisposition to an assessment model adapted to the new reality. To this end, surveys were applied to students at this University. The results reveal that the assessment follows a traditional approach, although they dominate the technologies to carry out assessments in different formats and recognize the importance of innovations at this level. At the same time, mistrust remains in relation to the different modalities, online and in person, in carrying out assessments. It is suggested that the assessment instruments be adapted and diversified, investing in training and awareness of those involved. Finally, a differentiated assessment must be accompanied by innovative teaching focused on student learning.

Capa: Avaliação das aprendizagens num modelo B-learning síncrono: o caso da Universidade de Santiago



How to Cite

Tavares, L., Rodrigues, L., & Lopes, M. (2021). Learning assessment in a synchronous B-learning model: the case of the University of Santiago. Revista Da UI_IPSantarém, 9(4), 5–22. https://doi.org/10.25746/ruiips.v9.i4.26206