Quality of Life in Compulsory Telework (e-QWL): diagnosis of managers in the Brazilian public sector





Public managers, public organizations, quality of life in telework, telework, remote work


This study aimed to analyze the levels of Quality of Life in Telework (e-QWL) and discuss its implications for the well-being of Brazilian public managers from various organizations of the executive and judiciary powers. Therefore, the research assesses the perception of 359 public managers regarding the five dimensions of e-QWL. The results found showed satisfactory levels of e-QWL in the dimensions of teleworker activities, telework management, technological support and physical work conditions. On the other hand, the work overload dimension shows the predominance of representations of malaise at work, especially with regard to the perception of greater demand for results and the demand for greater commitment. These results allowed identifying challenges for public organizations, such as the need for adequate planning, the preparation and selection of managers and public servants, as well as the adequacy of people management policies and practices to the specifics of this new organizational reality.

Capa: Qualidade de Vida no Teletrabalho (e-QVT) Obrigatório: diagnóstico de gestores no setor público brasileiro



How to Cite

Pantoja, M., Oliveira, M., & Andrade, L. (2021). Quality of Life in Compulsory Telework (e-QWL): diagnosis of managers in the Brazilian public sector. Revista Da UI_IPSantarém, 9(4), 23–37. https://doi.org/10.25746/ruiips.v9.i4.26207