From evidence to clinical nursing practice in diversification of vegetarian diets for infants




Nursing, Vegetarian diet, Infant, Complementary Feeding


Food is a strong health enhancer, but also an act of expression of affection, an opportunity for socialization and an important aspect of individual and social behavior, which should never be forgotten by professionals. In addition to a vast set of recommendations based on the best scientific evidence regarding the beginning of dietary diversification and the sequence of introducing new foods, there is currently a paradigm shift in terms of parents' choices, integrating new dietary trends that nurses do not may remain unrelated, and in that sense should be holders of a wide range of knowledge in this matter. There is also evidence of the health benefits of consuming plant-based foods and for the sustainability of the planet.

In the context of clinical teaching, there were several situations of child health consultations in which parents assumed they were practitioners of a vegetarian diet, which they intended to reproduce in the child's diet; thus arose the interest develop a systematic literature review, according to the Joanna Brigs Institute for Scoping Reviews method, with the objective with the aim of systematizing knowledge about the characterization of nursing intervention in the latent vegetarian food diversification, aiming at family training. The results obtained are of the utmost importance so that nurses can know how to inform about the benefits and risks associated with this type of food, but also advise and monitor its implementation in practice, helping the family to overcome barriers and prevent consequences that may arise. compromising the overall development of the child.


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How to Cite

Miranda, J., Godinho, C. ., & Borges, L. (2024). From evidence to clinical nursing practice in diversification of vegetarian diets for infants. Revista Da UI_IPSantarém, 12(1), e30101.

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