Análise do incumprimento do diploma ministerial nº 93/2005 de 4 de Maio sobre as boas práticas da aplicação de fundos consignados ao Comité de Gestão de Recursos Naturais (CGRN) da Comunidade Nhaúnga do distrito de Macossa – Moçambique entre 2017 e 2021


  • Rodrigues Zicai Fazenda Instituto Superior de Formação, Investigação e Ciência, Moçambique
  • Marc Jacquinet Marc Jacquinet Universidade Aberta
  • Damião Cardoso Damião Cardoso Universidade São Tomás de Moçambique, Moçambique
  • Artur Ndaluza Saize Artur Ndaluza Saize Instituto Superior Mutasa, Moçambique



CGRN, Nhaúnga Community, Ministerial Diploma, funds, forest and wildlife resources


This article intends to analyze the implementation of ministerial diploma nº 93/2005 of May 4th regarding the funds assigned to the Natural Resources Management Committee (CGRN) of the Nhaúnga community of the district of Macossa - Mozambique, between 2017 and 2021, as record non-compliance with good management practices supported by that diploma. The aforementioned non-compliance has given results that are obvious, namely, the lack of organized accounting in the community, the lack of promotion of the sustainable exploitation of the fauna and forest resources present in the community, as well as the failure to carry out initiatives that guarantee the protection and conservation of these resources, existence of gaps in the supervision of the management of the funds, lack of knowledge of the legal provisions that regulate the operation of the CGRN by the community, lack of knowledge of the rights within the community members in relation to the forestry and faunal resources available and a management of allocated funds that is questionable for the good of CGRN and the Nhaúnga community. These are solvable situations, just complying with legality with participatory planning involving the entire community, accountability by the CGRN of Nhaúnga, training of CGRN members within the scope of existing laws and legal instruments and conditioning the delivery of funds to the presentation of projects that have been approved by the District Advisory Council.



How to Cite

Fazenda, R. Z., Marc Jacquinet, M. J., Damião Cardoso, D. C., & Artur Ndaluza Saize, A. N. S. (2023). Análise do incumprimento do diploma ministerial nº 93/2005 de 4 de Maio sobre as boas práticas da aplicação de fundos consignados ao Comité de Gestão de Recursos Naturais (CGRN) da Comunidade Nhaúnga do distrito de Macossa – Moçambique entre 2017 e 2021. Revista Da UI_IPSantarém, 11(2), 373–384.