Commitment towards inclusion repertoire: a tool for flourishing communities


  • Marina Santi Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa
  • Elisabetta Ghedin Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology - University of Padova



Inclusive education, Repertoire, Capabilities, Diversity.


In this paper inclusion is considered as a value orienting organizational actions and individual, social and political agency, and a process against discrimination, inequality, and exclusion. The axiological dimension of inclusion refers to different frameworks in which its value is correlated with human development, health, well‑being, and considered as valuable condition for individual happiness. The process of inclusion emerges as product of different inter-actions and intervention planned and implemented at cultural, political and practical levels. The Commitment toward Inclusion Repertoire (CTI-Repertoire) is presented as a multifunctional  tool to guide and improve individual and social commitment toward inclusion, focusing on their axiological and procedural aspects. The focus on commitment has the advantage to highlight the fundamental role of a shared and individual responsibility, involvement and accountability to affirm inclusion as social value and goal. Starting from a model of inclusion based on the ICF (OMS, 2001) bio‑psycho-social framework of human functioning, and on the Sen’s Capability Approach to human development, the main purpose of this study was to move from a descriptive level of analysis (proper of the Indexes), to a prescriptive level of agency (proper of a Repertoire), in order to offer a proactive tool. Finally, we highlight the main potential of the Commitment toward Inclusion Repertoire and focus on analyzing its implications in educational contexts; we also highlight the role of inclusive education as a fundamental vector for converting children’s capabilities into “flourishing” functionings.

Biografia Autor

Marina Santi, Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa

Professor Associado do Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa. Áreas de investigação: Didáctica das ciências; Conhecimento e desenvolvimento profissional de professores; A discussão de questões sociocientíficas na educação em ciências; Integração das TIC na educação em ciências.




Como Citar

Santi, M., & Ghedin, E. (2015). Commitment towards inclusion repertoire: a tool for flourishing communities. Revista Interacções, 10(33).