The Protection of Personality Rights in the Civil Code


  • António Pinto Monteiro


Personality rights, holders; means of protection; compensation for non-property damage.


The Portuguese Civil Code of 1966 is a Code of high technical and scientific level, having established very important solutions, also and namely in the sector of personality rights, with the enshrinement of a “general personality right”, alongside others , which regulated specifically.

It is precisely the protection of personality rights that this text deals with, seeking to identify the holders of this right, what is the relevance of the injured party's consent and what legal measures the victim can resort to in case of damage to their rights.

In this regard, particular importance is given to the problem of knowing whether legal persons may be entitled to compensation for non-pecuniary damage, taking a position in the opposite direction.


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How to Cite

Monteiro, A. P. (2021). The Protection of Personality Rights in the Civil Code. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, 9–23. Retrieved from

