The Impact of Digital Transformation on the Sustainability of the Social Security System




tributos; contribuições para a segurança social; sustentabilidade; digitalização; automatização laboral.


The sustainability of social security is an (almost) embryonic concern in social security law. Talking about social security leads us, without much delay, to consider the concern that societies have about the financial sustainability of their social security system. And to the problems that already exist, a new ingredient has been added that puts the current system in crisis and leads us to rethink the forms of financing and the measures that should be adopted to respond to these new realities that derive from digitalization and the automation of procedures. Especially when they lead to a reduction in jobs and, consequently, a reduction in the revenue derived from the contributions that workers and employers pay into the social security system.

Author Biography

Luís Manuel PICA, Escola Direito Universidade do Minho

Professor Auxiliar na Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa;

Professor Adjunto Convidado no Instituto Politécnico de Beja;

Doutor em Ciências Jurídicas pela Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho;

Investigador do JusGov - Centro de Investigação em Justiça e Governação da Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho;


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How to Cite

PICA, L. M. (2024). The Impact of Digital Transformation on the Sustainability of the Social Security System. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, 566–583.

