Justice and Artificial Intelligence
Justice in the Digital Era; Algorithmic Decision-Making; Ethics of AI Use; Impact of AI on Legal Processes; Liability for AI ErrorsAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the use of artificial intelligence in the administration of justice. The article raises important issues of the impact of artificial intelligence on legal processes, the principles of applying artificial intelligence algorithms in justice, controllability of artificial intelligence and liability for artificial intelligence errors. This study is primarily a theoretical justification of the ways in which artificial intelligence can be used in court proceedings, its advantages and disadvantages. Particular attention is paid to the use of artificial intelligence in the justice system of Azerbaijan in order to explore the prospects for introducing AI into justice and analyse the potential pros and cons on the example of introducing AI into the justice system of Azerbaijan. The study concludes that the “weaknesses” of introducing AI algorithms in the justice system are the issues of human rights, privacy and information security, and gaps in legislation that do not keep pace with the development of technology. In general, this study is a comprehensive scientific theoretical work based on current scientific research and analysis of regulatory practice.
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