The Right to Portuguese Nationality: B’nei anussim brazilians between the cross and the menorah


  • João Ernesto Paes de Barros Públio Paes de Barros e Noyva Godinho Paes de Barros


In february 2015 was issued a regulament for the descendent of the jews who were expelled in 1496, to obtain portuguese nationality. However, the most significant document to prove the legal condition is subject to a certification which will be issued by jewish communities whose trait is to not recognize members of branches other than orthodox as jewish. The objective of this research is to analyze this right and its repercussion to brazilian descendents of jews who do not follow the same faith of the jewish which makes such certifications.

Author Biography

João Ernesto Paes de Barros, Públio Paes de Barros e Noyva Godinho Paes de Barros

Advogado e Consultor Jurídico no Brasil e Portugal. Mestre pela Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - Brasil. Doutorando da Universidade de Lisboa. Assessor Jurídico da Fundación Cauce (Burgos, Espanha), Diretor de Pesquisa do Instituto Matogrossense de Direto e Educação Ambiental (Cuiabá-BR),  Professor de Direito das Obrigações, Contratos e Responsabilidade Civil (licenciado)



How to Cite

Paes de Barros, J. E. (2015). The Right to Portuguese Nationality: B’nei anussim brazilians between the cross and the menorah. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, 2(17), 51–77. Retrieved from

