Family overindebtedness, mortgage on family residence and forfeiture agreement


  • António Graça Moura


Starting from the thematic concerning the causes and origins of the family overindebtedness phenomenon (1), the text that follows focuses on the resort to bank credit as financing instrument for the family residence acquisition and its guarantee (2). In a default situation concerning the borrower’s obligations the mortgage foreclosure will take place in general terms, in which the family residence is neither free from attachment nor subsequent judicial sale (3). The forfeiture agreement as an accessory clause to the mortgage; its prohibition in Portuguese law and respective ratio; the prohibition’s subsistence logic in the present and the eventual paradigm change concerning the forfeiture agreement (4). Conclusion (5).


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How to Cite

Graça Moura, A. (2018). Family overindebtedness, mortgage on family residence and forfeiture agreement. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, (22), 04–22. Retrieved from

