Posting of workers in the European Union


  • Gothardo Backx Van Buggenhout Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique


posting of workers; free movement; European Union.


The present work deals with the posting of employees within the European Union, a topic that still presents a reasonable legal complexity.

For over a hundred years, there is a growth of multinational companies and, consequently, there is a witness of the movement of workers between their branches located in different countries. At first, this movement occurred only to occupants of high positions in the companies, but, over time, temporary transfers of workers from the most different levels of the company became common.

Since the last decades of the 20th century, with the remarkable globalization of the world market, added to the free movement of people as one of the pillars of the European Union, it was necessary to edit the Directive 96/71/EC by the European Parliament and the Council, which, despite having been directed at construction workers, it was found to be extremely important for all other sectors.

Therefore, we intend, with this work, to contribute to the study of the theme, which has little jurisprudence and less attention from the doctrine, but of great relevance to avoid trivializing the right of the posted worker and, not least, free competition.


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How to Cite

Backx Van Buggenhout, G. (2020). Posting of workers in the European Union. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, (27), 42–69. Retrieved from

