Alternative Dispute Resolution in Digitally-Contracted Tourism Services in Spain



Alternative Dispute Resolution; Consumer; Tourism sector; Digital route; Specialised ADR entities.


The tourism sector has become the main generator of virtual commercial transactions. The protection of consumers' rights and interests requires less cumbersome and more agile solutions than the courts to resolve the countless disputes that develop in this area. Consumer arbitration, the method par excellence for resolving disputes in the field of tourism, has proved insufficient in Spain. It is necessary that the alternative consumer dispute resolution regime in this area be built with a consumer protection orientation. This will take place effectively if Spain has a specialised ADR entity in this field. The aim of this paper is to conceive how such an entity should be configured in Spanish legislation.


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How to Cite

Nuria MARCHAL ESCALONA. (2022). Alternative Dispute Resolution in Digitally-Contracted Tourism Services in Spain. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, 98–117. Retrieved from