AIFC Court: Theory and Practice



Mots-clés :

economic globalisation, assets, conflict resolution, investments, Anglo-Saxon system of law


Currently, society in Kazakhstan, as in other developed countries, is being formed under the influence of digitalisation and the globalisation of the economy. In this context, the Astana International Financial Centre is a priority for the development of information and financial services in Kazakhstan and the competitiveness of the country's economy, which suggests the need for its in-depth study. The purpose of this study is to analyse the theoretical and practical foundations on which the activities of the Astana International Financial Centre court are based. For its successful achievement, the method of analysis and synthesis, comparison, formal legal, deduction, and generalisation were used. The findings describe the different aspects of the Astana International Financial Centre and its court. Accordingly, the core essence of such a centre, its main features and characteristics, which are reflected in its development, have been identified. Also, during the practical analysis of the object of the study, the procedural framework on which the Astana International Financial Centre court is based was established, its principles and the factors influencing its effectiveness were examined. As a result, it has been argued that Astana International Financial Centre is a well-functioning financial structure that relies on international investors and other actors, thereby enhancing Kazakhstan's investment climate and its place in the global economy. Given that the subject is relevant in academic circles, its practical value is revealed in its potential as a primary source for subsequent academic studies and as a methodological guide for practitioners on the improvement and development of Astana International Financial Centre.Currently, society in Kazakhstan, as in other developed countries, is being formed under the influence of digitalisation and the globalisation of the economy. In this context, the Astana International Financial Centre is a priority for the development of information and financial services in Kazakhstan and the competitiveness of the country's economy, which suggests the need for its in-depth study. The purpose of this study is to analyse the theoretical and practical foundations on which the activities of the Astana International Financial Centre court are based. For its successful achievement, the method of analysis and synthesis, comparison, formal legal, deduction, and generalisation were used. The findings describe the different aspects of the Astana International Financial Centre and its court. Accordingly, the core essence of such a centre, its main features and characteristics, which are reflected in its development, have been identified. Also, during the practical analysis of the object of the study, the procedural framework on which the Astana International Financial Centre court is based was established, its principles and the factors influencing its effectiveness were examined. As a result, it has been argued that Astana International Financial Centre is a well-functioning financial structure that relies on international investors and other actors, thereby enhancing Kazakhstan's investment climate and its place in the global economy. Given that the subject is relevant in academic circles, its practical value is revealed in its potential as a primary source for subsequent academic studies and as a methodological guide for practitioners on the improvement and development of Astana International Financial Centre.


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