Evaluation of two forms of execution, tied or not in paralympic powerlifting: a pilot study


  • Márcio Getirana Mota Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Felipe José Aidar Universidade Federal de Sergipe https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7378-4529
  • José Cleyton Silva da Rocha Universidade Tiradentes
  • Wellington de Sá Santos Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Joilson Alves de Souza Leite Junior Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Joseane Barbosa de Jesus Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Anderson Vieira de Freitas Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Vanessa Teixeira da Solidade Universidade Federal de Sergipe https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7487-8663




This study aimed to analyze the Average Propulsive Speed (APS), Average Speed (AS), and Power (N) in two test conditions, tied or not tied versus beginner and trained. Sixteen male Paralympic powerlifting athletes participated in the research, with 28.60±7.60 years, 71.80±17.90 kg. Participants performed a 1 RM test to determine the maximum load. To collect the APS, AS, and N, the Speed 4Lift encoder was attached to the bar, and the percentages of loads of 40, 45, and 50% of 1RM were collected. The statistical analysis between the groups was made using a Two Way ANOVA, (condition-tied and not tied X training level - beginner and trained) with Post Hoc by Bonferroni. In the variables APS and AS, there was no difference between the groups, as well as between the conditions tied or not tied. The variable N had a difference between the athletes, in both conditions for 40% of 1 RM (p=0.024) in athletes trained in untied condition and athletes trained in tied condition (p=0.033). From the collected data, it is observed that athletes with 12 or more months of training have better performance on muscle power in both conditions than the untrained.



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