Pressupostos de Validação de um Questionário de Avaliação Psicossocial
This aim of this study is to verify the possibility of validation of a questionnaire of the coach behaviors. Some studies shows that the athletes modifing himself due to the coach behaviors, but also shows, that the coach can be influenced by the relations that establish with his athletes. Thus, in one sport team, the emotional states and the coachs behaviors influence the satisfaction of the athletes and, therefore, its performance (Duarte, 2004). 140 subjects (n=140) of both sex, practitioners of collective sports, participated in this study. Considering the study of Chelladurai (1984) cited by Cruz & Gomes (1996), we elaborate a questionnaire, where the coach behaviors had been divided in different itens. After the application of the questionnaires, we achieved one exploratory factor analysis in way to group the several itens in relation to the factors that constitute the contents. The results shows an apparent validity because we got a KMO and a Barllett’s Test of Sphericityof 0,805 for a X2=1203,979 with1530 of freedom, being this value enough for the analysis of the main components. However, before the results of the analysis of the main components, we verified that the questions are not well grouped, wherefore the validation is not executable.Downloads
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