chronic diarrhea, cystic fibrosis, intussusception, failure to thriveAbstract
Introduction:The intussusception is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction between three months and six years old. Although mostly idiopathic, in 2 to 8% of cases an underlying pathology can be identified.
Clinical case:Male adolescent, 12 years old with no significant family history, forwarded to medical study after intussusception. He had failure to thrive and chronic diarrhea. The investigation ruled out celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease and intestinal parasites. The sweat test was positive and in cystic fibrosis consultation the sweat test was repeated and a genetic study was performed that confirmed the diagnosis.
Discussion / Conclusions: The clinical case described is intended to alert to the importance of investigating an underlying disease in some children and adolescents with intussusception. In this case the study led to the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis
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