Cutaneous Larga Migrans - presentation of two typical cases


  • Sara Soares Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, Centro Hospitalar Tâmega e Sousa
  • Catarina Ferraz de Liz Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, Centro Hospitalar Tâmega e Sousa
  • Ana Lúcia Cardoso Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, Centro Hospitalar Tâmega e Sousa
  • Ângela Machado Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, Centro Hospitalar Tâmega e Sousa
  • Joaquim Cunha Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, Centro Hospitalar Tâmega e Sousa
  • Leonilde Machado Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, Centro Hospitalar Tâmega e Sousa



Child, cutaneous Larva Migrans, emigrant


Introduction: Cutaneous Larva Migrans is a dermatosis caused by nemantode parasites, mainely Ancylostoma brasiliensis and Ancylostoma caninus. It is an endemic disease in tropical countries but a rare diagnosis in the rest of the world.
Case Report: We report the case of a ten-year-old child emigrated from Angola. The physical examination showed scarring injuries from previous incisions made as a form of treatment as well as a serpiginous lesion on the dorsum of the left foot, compatible with cutaneous Larva Migrans. The patient was started on albendazole and complete resolution of symptoms was obtained after one week. About that time, the patient’s brother, who had the same symptoms on both feet, was submitted to the same treatment, also with resolution of symptoms.
Discussion: The authors wish to enphasize the relevance of this case due to the migration from countries with high prevalence of cutaneous Larva Migrans.


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Author Biography

Sara Soares, Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology, Centro Hospitalar Tâmega e Sousa

Pediatria Médica


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How to Cite

Soares S, de Liz CF, Cardoso AL, Machado Ângela, Cunha J, Machado L. Cutaneous Larga Migrans - presentation of two typical cases. REVNEC [Internet]. 2018Apr.13 [cited 2025Mar.5];27(1):46-9. Available from:



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