
  • Silvia Ferreira Silva Ferreira Silva Department of Pediatrics, Unidade Local de Saúde do Baixo Alentejo
  • Carla Teixeira Department of Pediatrics, Centro Materno Infantil do Norte, Centro Hospitalar do Porto
  • Susana Machado Department of Dermatology, Centro Hospitalar do Porto
  • Laura Marques Infection and Immunodeficiency Unit, Department of Pediatrics, Centro Materno Infantil do Norte, Centro Hospitalar do Porto




Alopecia, Kerion celsi, Tinea capitis


Tinea capitis affects mostly children at school age. The transmission is possible through contact with infected animals, soil, from person to person and from contaminated objects. The clinical presentation ranges from a non-inflammatory lesion to an inflammatory disease with erythematous scaly lesions with alopecia, that may progress to Kerion celsi. Kerion is characterized by an inflammatory well-delimited and painful plaque, with pustules and suppurative abscesses. The resulting scars can cause alopecia. We report the clinical case of a tenyear- old child, residing in a rural area, who developed a scalp lesion after skull trauma, diagnosed as Kerion celsi. The authors want to draw attention to a rare complication of a common condition that may lead to permanent alopecia.


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Author Biography

Silvia Ferreira Silva Ferreira Silva, Department of Pediatrics, Unidade Local de Saúde do Baixo Alentejo

Médica formada na Faculdade de Medicina - Universidade de Lisboa ano 2003-2009.

Internato geral (Ano Comum) - Hospital São João - ano 2010.

Internato de Pediatria - ULSBA inicio em Jan 2011.

Actualmente no 5o ano do Internato Complementar em Pediatria.


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How to Cite

Silva SFSF, Teixeira C, Machado S, Marques L. KÉRION CELSI: A RARE COMPLICATION OF TINEA CAPITIS. REVNEC [Internet]. 2017Jul.24 [cited 2024Oct.20];26(2):126-8. Available from: https://revistas.rcaap.pt/nascercrescer/article/view/9359



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